

Welcome to Pack 525 - Boys and Girls K-5

Why Join Cub Scouting?

• If you could give only one gift to the young people who are most important in your life, what would it be? No matter what your family situation is, it is within your power to help these children grow into people with a good feeling about themselves and a genuine concern for others. Cub Scouting can assist you in providing this greatest gift of all.

• Cub Scout-age children benefit developmentally from belonging to a small group of peers. Your child will be a part of a den, a small group of Cub Scouts in the same grade level. Through this sense of belonging, children build self-esteem and learn to get along with others.

• As a parent, you want to be assured that the groups that your child joins will teach values consistent with good citizenship, character development, personal fitness, and leadership. The values we seek to instill are found in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. We know that kids do not join Cub Scouting for character building. Kids join because it is fun. Your child will learn great lessons, but they will be far too busy having fun to notice.

Scout Law

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight

How Does Cub Scouting Work?

In Cub Scouting, you and your family join in on the program with your child, and you will help them along the way. Cub Scouts have a different handbook at each grade level, with adventures that are age-appropriate for their developmental level. As your child advances through these books by working on adventures, they will earn badges and other recognition that they wear on their uniform. As your child grows in Cub Scouting, your role will change with them, from hands-on involvement to guiding and coaching. Your child’s success in Cub Scouting depends on you!

The Cub Scouting program takes place at two levels. Your child will be a part of a den, a small group of Cub Scouts in the same grade level and who are of the same gender. A den typically meets twice a month, although some may meet more often. All dens, from kindergarten through fifth grade, make up a pack. Once a month, the dens, with their families, come together at the pack meeting and Cub Scouts are recognized for the adventures and badges they have earned.


The Lion (Kindergarten) and Tiger (First Grade) Dens

Cub Scouts who join in kindergarten or first grade join with an adult partner, usually the parent or guardian. A Lion or Tiger den should be no more than eight Cub Scouts and their adult partners. An adult is selected to serve as the den leader (usually one of the parents) and coordinates the meetings. Each adult partner takes a turn assisting or hosting meetings or activities with the den leader. This shared leadership model is a great way to ensure the den leader has the help needed to deliver a quality program. Lion dens (kindergarten) meet once a month or more often if the den leader and families choose to. Tiger dens (first grade) meet typically twice a month or more often if the den leader and families choose to. At den meetings, Lions and Tigers work on adventures that are found in their handbooks.

The Wolf (Second Grade) and Bear (Third Grade) Dens

Children this age are becoming more independent, and activities are designed to meet their developmental needs. A Wolf (second grade) or Bear (third grade) den is ideally no more than eight Cub Scouts of the same gender, a den leader, an assistant den leader (usually parents of some of the den members), and often a den chief (an older Scout who helps the den leader). They typically meet twice a month at a regularly scheduled time and place, and they also attend the pack meeting with their families

The Webelos (WE'llBeLOyalScouts) Scout Den (Fourth and Fifth Grades)

The Webelos den is much like the Wolf and Bear dens, but there is more emphasis on learning to take leadership roles and preparing to join a Scout troop.

Pack Meetings

The Cub Scout pack is made up of all the dens, which meet monthly at the pack meeting, led by the Cubmaster. There are games, skits, songs, ceremonies, and presentations of achievements and badges that Cub Scouts earned during that month. This is where families can see the achievements of their Cub Scout. The pack, including families, also participates in other special events throughout the year, including:

Pinewood Derby®—You can build and race a model car with your child.

Blue and gold banquet—Cub Scouting’s birthday party—for all pack members and their families— takes place in February.

Camping—Overnight and day camp opportunities introduce your family to the camping experience.

Service projects—Packs may participate in food drives, conservation projects, parades or other community activities.

Field trips and special outings—Den outings are a great way to learn more about the people and places in your community.

Make memories with your child that will last a lifetime!

How Can You Help?

The most important help that you, as a parent, can give your child is to work with them on their Cub Scouting adventures as they work toward their badge of rank. The Cub Scout handbook is full of age-appropriate activities; some of them you do together at home. Den meetings are designed for Cub Scouts to complete adventures that are required for them to earn their badge of rank. When you have completed a requirement at home, make sure your den leader is informed so that they can properly record it and your child can be recognized for their achievements. Your role as a parent is the secret to a successful Cub Scouting program!

The den and the pack rely on parent participation to run a successful program. Cub Scouting operates through volunteer leadership. Volunteer leaders are an example of Scouting’s principle of service to others. By volunteering in Scouting, you are also giving your child and family the gift of your time. What could be more valuable? You will have an opportunity to be a positive influence in their life and in the lives of their friends. Here are some of the ways you could volunteer:

Den leader. Uses the Den Leader Guide and den meeting plans to lead the den at den meetings. Attends the monthly pack committee meeting.

Cubmaster. Helps plan and carry out the pack program with the help of the pack committee. Emcees the monthly pack meeting and attends the pack committee meeting.

The Pack Committee

Every Cub Scout parent or guardian is invited to become a member of the pack committee. Pack committee members perform administrative functions of the pack. The committee meets monthly and includes the responsibilities below.

Committee chair. Presides at all pack committee meetings. Helps recruit adult leaders and attends the monthly pack meeting and pack committee meeting.

Advancement chair. Maintains advancement records for the pack. Orders and obtains all badges and insignia. Attends the monthly pack meeting and pack committee meeting.

New member coordinator. Manages the transition of new Scouts into the pack and coordinates orientation for new Scouting families. Responsible for the marketing and recruiting initiatives of the pack as well as the growth and retention of the unit.

Secretary. Keeps records of the pack committee meetings and communicates with families about upcoming pack events and activities.

Treasurer. Keeps all financial records for the pack, including the pack bank account, and gives a monthly financial report to the pack committee. Attends the monthly pack meeting and pack committee meeting.


The Boy Scouts of America offers convenient training for parents who volunteer. As a new parent, you can learn all about Cub Scouting and how quality Scouting programs are built. Log on to my.Scouting.org and create an account to gain access to all available training content. For more information about training at all levels of the program, go to www.scouting.org/training.

Youth Protection

 Child abuse is a serious problem in our society, and unfortunately, it can occur anywhere, even in Scouting. Youth safety is of paramount importance to Scouting. For that reason, the BSA continues to create barriers to abuse beyond what have previously existed in Scouting.

The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on providing the most secure environment possible for its youth members. To maintain such an environment, the BSA has developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies and provides parents and leaders with multiple online and print resources for all Scouting programs.

All leaders are required to complete Youth Protection training. All parents are encouraged to take the training. To complete the training online, go to my.Scouting.org and establish an account using the member number you receive when you register for BSA membership. If you take the training online before you obtain a member number, be sure to return to my.Scouting.org and enter your number for training record credit. Your BSA local council also provides training on a regular basis if you cannot take it online. Youth Protection training must be taken every two years. If a volunteer’s Youth Protection training record is not current at the time of recharter, the volunteer will not be registered. For more information about Youth Protection, please see BSA’s Youth Protection website at www.scouting.org/youthprotection.aspx.

How Much Does Scouting Cost?

Yearly registration fees and pack dues vary based on national Boy Scout of America (BSA) and our Daniel Webster Council fees. Dues for 2023- 2024 are approximately $180-$200/cub scout. 

Uniforms: The uniform and its cost vary by program for both youth and adults. We only require that a scout have a uniform shirt and belt, scout pants and hats are optional. The average cost for a uniform is around $50, and each family should expect to purchase about 3 uniforms in their scouts’ lifetime (younger scouts k-3 wear a blue shirt that can be purchased large to last the whole three years, and all older scouts wear the tan). Many families try to purchase uniforms in a size that the scout can comfortably grow into so as to prolong the uniforms use.

Books: Youth handbooks are the Lion Handbook (comes with the Lion kit), Tiger Handbook, Wolf Handbook, Bear Handbook, and Webelos Handbook. The pack purchases these items for the scouts so there is no cost to the family! (This includes leader books and resources for Den leaders and committee members where required)

Event Costs: We as a pack do not have high pack dues to help to defray the already high cost of yearly dues. When we host events throughout the year we do our best to keep them low or no cost, but on average a family can expect to pay an additional $50-$100 throughout the year on events such as snow tubing at McIntyre or doing a sleepover at Battle Ship Cove (to name a few). All events are optional and attendance is not mandatory so it is to the families discretion what they do and do not want to attend.

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Cubscout Camp-out

Posted on Aug 6 2024 - 12:34pm

Camp over night at Camp Creager. Games, skits, and food. Everyone is invited.

Chuckwagon Derby June 2-4th

Posted on Mar 26 2023 - 4:36pm

Please see Facebook and Discord posts for info and sign ups for this fun event!

Committee Meeting Monday

Posted on Mar 25 2023 - 1:54pm

There is no Den or Pack meeting this week. The Committee will be meeting at the library. REMINDER over night camp deposits are due Friday, March 31st.

Vietnam Veterans Day @ VFW 11am

Posted on Mar 19 2023 - 7:36pm

VFW hosting a quick event in honor of Vietnam Veterans Day at 11 AM. All Cub Scouts are encourage to attend to show our support for the Vets. Finger sandwiches, chips and drinks will be served.

Pasta Dinner Saturday! Adults and Scouts cooking 12 PM

Posted on Mar 5 2023 - 4:47pm

Hi Everyone, This Saturday is our Pasta Dinner. If you are making meatballs and helping set up please be at the VFW for 12 PM. Adults that signed up to help in the kitchen please be there 1 hour before the dinner you signed up for.

Upcoming - Parade and Battleship Cove

Posted on Nov 27 2022 - 9:05pm

Battleship Cove - If you have not made payment for your family please do so ASAP. We have already paid the full amount to the venue so the date is completely reserved!